This carrd contains talk of racism towards Asians. (This also includes mocking words.) If you are Asian & are sensitive to racism towards other Asians, we advise you to not read this carrd, as we will be including some of our own experiences and what makes our names sacred.

Why Only Asians Can Use Asian Names

Hello, we came together to make this carrd so we didn’t get too heated over arguments. Everyone who is speaking from personal experiences and has mainly worked on this carrd is Asian, so you can not brush this off as “white savior moment”. This issue is something that makes us genuinely uncomfortable.

The Significance Of Names In Asian Culture

Names hold a significant meaning in many Asian cultures (eg. Chinese culture, Japanese culture, etc.) Most names take weeks or even years to pick out. Additionally, Asian names typically run through blood.As stated within a blog article, “Chinese last names represent lineage or clan. It is in the first names that it gets creative and meaningful. They usually represent the aspirations of parents for their children.” (womensnetwork, July 2017)Asian names aren’t something you can use for your aesthetic. Asian people have been heavily discriminated against and told to “go back to where they come from” because of these names. Asian culture isn’t a costume you can take on and off just because you consume Asian media.

What's So Harmful?

"Well, what's the issue?"

The issue is that while you get to pick and choose from our culture without facing the discrimination that comes with it, us Asians don't get to choose. We aren't able to pick features from our ethnicity that we like and dislike, and we still experience racism because of it. Many of us have needed to change our names to a more Western one in fear of facing more racism or being hate crimed.

Unless you are of that ethnicity, no, you cannot. It is disrespectful to us when you pick from our culture and it looks as if you are only using it for an aesthetic. Our culture, race, and ethnicity is not an aesthetic or costume for you to use when you feel like.

"Wait! Can I still go by [insert character name]?"

"Well, I'm just trying to appreciate the culture and/or character!"

There are better ways to appreciate a culture than by going by a name from our race. Ask yourself, "why do I want to go by an Asian name?" Why do you insist on taking things from Asian culture, what makes you feel entitled to these names after only consuming Asian media and not actually being Asian? That’s right, it’s almost purely fetishization and not appreciation. You may appreciate our culture from a far. Additionally, it is not your place as a person who isn't Asian to deem if it is appreciation or appropriation. You may have mean to appreciate us, but your impact matters more than your intentions.

If you are not Asian, it is not your place to deem if it is "deep" or not. Many Asians have spoken out about it, you do not get to decide what we are and aren't offended by.

"I don't think it's that deep."

"What if it's just my online name? And what about roleplay?"

You are still using and going by an Asian name. People are still referring to you as that name. Regardless of if it's online or not, you're still using an Asian name, which we've stated before is disrespectful. As for roleplay, it's okay as long as you are roleplaying as the character and in roleplay. The moment you are not roleplaying, do not use the Asian name. Do not take it on as if it is your own because it is not.

The first step is to simply not to go by an Asian name. Yes, it's that easy. To further educate yourself, you can simply use Google. If you aren't sure of a name's origin, Google it! You should also listen to your Asian friends when they educate you, and you can ask them questions, however, remember it is not their job to educate you. As for spreading awareness, you can inform people with the information you know. However, don't speak over Asian voices as it isn't your place to as someone who is not Asian.

"I wasn't aware! How can I further educate myself and spread awareness?"

Personal Experiences From Asians

"So first I’d like to start off with an experience my mom had growing up Asian in America, she was constantly called names, she was harassed, violently assault, and to top it off, her name was made fun of and never taken seriously.
You maybe thinking, “what does that have to do with me?” The things my mom went through due to her race/ethnicity and name are something white people simply will not experience in the same way. Asians have a long history of being called names in America such as "Ching Chong" or "Ling Ling", the constant jokes towards south Asians (eg. Ravi, Baljeet jokes, etc), etc. This just adds to the reason of why Asian Americans simply want to keep these names for themselves.”
"As an Asian person, I grew up with a Western name (I do also have an Asian one), but still experienced racism. I was called names that mock the names of my culture, and jokes similar to "how do Chinese people name their kids? They throw pots down the stairs!" When I told a classmate about my Asian name, it was mocked for how it sounded. A name from my culture was made fun of, however, when I see people who aren’t Asian going by Asian names, they aren't made fun of for it. People who aren’t Asians will pick and choose what they want from our culture without facing the same things we do. We are unable to choose what we take from our culture, and we still face discrimination.""1.) I’ve seen people in person try to act “Asian” and give themselves Asian based names. Every Asian cringed and called them out.
2.) I’ve seen so many people online use Asian names when they’re not Asian and they’re not satire. The Asian community has stated they are uncomfortable and don’t like people using Asian names when they’re not even Asian."
"Back in elementary school, I always used to get questioned with things like, "why is your name Nada, doesn't that mean nothing in Spanish? You must not exist in this world." But my name just had cultural significance. My names always got mispronounced and misspelled, when I brought it up they would respond with, "your name is too hard to say." I've gotten told to change my name to Nadia, or something more common asking why my mom would name me Nada. Whenever I'd write my name in Arabic I'd get told, "why does it look so weird? I feel sorry for you." However, people just don't understand the things behind someone's name."

More History

In the early to mid 1900s Asian immigrants were heavily discriminated against; this was very apparent in events such as the Chinese exclusion act, Japanese interment camps, south Asian hate crime groups, hate crimes themselves, derogatory terms, and the stealing and washing of Asian culture. Another thing that came out of this discrimination that we see very often in modern day is the fetishization of Asian culture and its people. When you are constantly taking the culture, giving yourself an Asian name, trying to pass as Asian and etc., it disregards what Asian Americans have experienced through the years.You will never be able to truly understand the discrimination some names bring, which why I, as well as many other Asian Americans had to conform to western standards and give ourselves a western name. You can not simply choose a sacred name with years of history just to fit your aesthetic. It's extremely weird, gross, and disrespectful to us.You consuming Asian culture and media doesn’t make you Asian, you are not more Asian than American Asians and you never will be. We ask that you stop pretending you are and stop stealing peoples culture. If you have a culture of your own, connect to your roots and start there.